Denise J Herman

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We can do so much better than this

Hello! Welcome to my weekly habit of sharing.

As I looked through the links I have to share for you this week, I kept saying it to myself and now I’m saying it to to you now: we CAN do better this this.

The U.S. “can virtually eliminate the virus any time we decide to.” So the question is—who isn’t deciding?

First they came for the immigrants, and I did not speak out—because I was not an immigrant..Then they came for asylum seekers…but I was not an asylum seeker….

This story from an asylum seeker inside an ICE detention center is sickening. Even if we weren’t in a pandemic.

My heart! Prayers for Big Pookie and the nursing home “in Walnut Creek, California/ where she waits, exiled, behind a numbered door/ as the casualties mount on the other side…”

America the racist and pitiful

Saved by the Pandemic? A clear plan to BOTH stimulate the economy and avert climate catastrophe. All humanity needs is—yep—leaders who care.

Take 1000 people and add three variables: initial number of infections, social distancing and personal protection measures such as masks and quarantining. Play with the model yourself (bottom of article)—insert different numbers. I mean really, there’s no surprise here!

The world’s greatest threat: over-consumption

Institutional racism baked into the system: Corporate funding for Black Companies and Entrepreneurs

Conversation changes voter’s minds - (but in person and not on social media!)

Peace and joy until next week—


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