Denise J Herman

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A new kind of art project--and a whole new medium (for me)

Welcome to my first weekly digital journal! This is an experiment.*

*Why am I creating a weekly digital journal? Well…I’ve been wanting to learn to use the tools for digital art if for no other reason than to be able to use those tools when I need them. I’m not a big fan of digital art per se (I will always love paper, ink and watercolor!), but it seems to me that digital tools like the Apple Pencil, Good Notes, Procreate, etc. are here to stay.

And like any other tool, this technology might offer some real benefits. The ability to copy and paste and quickly draw, color and move elements around, for instance, might save time and might make this kind of project a fun and creative way to document and share my creative life. Might is the operative word here. Thus, the experiment. I’m going to try. First I have to get past the learning curve…lettering is HARD on a slippery screen.

So at the very least, I’m documenting the experiment and hopefully my improvement.