Denise J Herman

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Cliches are all you got? — 52 Cards Project #20

This week for my 52 Cards project, I had a bit of a problem…I thought I had one theme but it turns out that wasn’t right at all. The week has been one of trying to let go of my perfectionist tendencies, creatively, but also trying to let go of many attachments I’m holding on to in my life—the big one being that a good friend is moving away, and I really would rather she didn’t :-)

Change is hard.

In any event, ‘letting go’ was the original theme idea and I thought a lot about images that might convey the theme—but just like the dandelion letting go of its spores, all my ideas were cliches! I considered a figure letting go of a rope…floating things, arms raised…absolutely nothing new came to me.

Meanwhile, this dog kept inserting himself into the ideation mix. He really wanted to be part of this picture! And it turns out he’s kind of sarcastic—but he’s right. I am stuck in cliche land for now.

A much more true way to capture my week.