Denise J Herman

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Horizon - 52 Card Project #29

Ir’s hard to believe I’ve been making a theme card a week all year for my 52 Cards Project—and here we’re almost the end of July. It’s become a routine. Every Sunday I start thinking about the past week, I come up with a theme and then I start thinking about how to create that visually—and then somehow the card gets made on Monday.

This past week husband and I were recovering from round one of Covid (Round two came to him later this week again because he took Plaxlovid and I guess for half the people the price of reducing initial symptoms is to get it again.)

But anyway. This last week we were recovering and one day we decided to gather our energy and go to the beach. We were both still pretty tired, but much better, so we got ourselves and our chairs and a couple of beers we picked up at the market to the sand. And there we sat for a couple of hours and the weather was quite nice—just looking out to the horizon.

There was quite a fleet of pelicans patrolling the water’s edge, so fluid and purposeful, but they didn’t seem to want to be part of this composition.