Denise J Herman

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Joyful — 52-cards project #15

This was one of those weeks without appointments, errands or obligations. I started every weekday outdoors exercising or hiking with friends, I spent good time in my art studio—and it’s spring. It rained twice this week, which here in California drought-land is a true blessing. All the land is bursting with new growth.

I believe in joy. I believe that Life is brief and amazing and we are here to experience as much joy as possible.

This week for my 52-card project, I thought about joy and why I am committed to making art: creating something new that did not exist before I made it fills me with incredible joy. And teaches me about connection to all that IS. Joy.

It’s so easy to give up on joy in this sad and challenging world, but I think that is a terrible mistake.

In the face of so much stress and uncertainty in our modern lives—not to mention horrible violence for too many and looming threat to survival as a species—if we are fortunate to be okay today, it takes effort to choose joy.

And it’s easy to feel guilty! So many people are suffering. The world faces so many big problems. Who am I to be joyful?

But. I believe in joy, and I believe if there is any law of the universe to honor, it is to be joyful whenever we can. Honoring what lights us up in the world for joy. Choosing gratitude and lovingkindness over cynicism and despair. For joy.

I loved what Anne Lamott said (as shared by Grace today):

“Well, how does us appreciating spring help the people of Ukraine? If we believe in chaos theory, and the butterfly effect, that the flapping of a Monarch’s wings near my home can lead to a weather change in Tokyo, then maybe noticing beauty—flapping our wings with amazement—changes things in ways we cannot begin to imagine. It means goodness is quantum. Even to help the small world helps. Even prayer, which seems to do nothing. Everything is connected.”

This week I was joyful. I hope you find joy too.