Denise J Herman

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When will we get the vaccine?

Hello! Welcome to my weekly habit of sharing.

Update on Rufus after his surgery—he is doing great! I have never been through a surgery with an animal and I am amazed how quickly he went from heavy narcotics and barely able to walk (incisions near his front legs) to no meds and leaping back up on to the bed (at 6am) wondering when we’re going to hike again. It’s been one week—but unfortunately his doctor say he has to wait for two.

I have just a few links for you this week—but each one of them is don’t-miss-phenomenal!

Cut through the hearsay and media “reports.” When will we get a vaccine? Anthony Fauci’s Boss on Why Things Could be Much Better Soon. Dr. Francis Collins is the head of the National Institutes of Health. If anyone knows about the (promising) state of vaccines for Covid-19, this man does.

Second, Natalie Wynn, YouTube phenomenon, “video essayist and entertainer.” If you haven’t experienced her Contrapoints videos yet…well, here’s your chance. So smart—and funny (my favorite combo in people). Here’s a good intro: What’s Wrong with Capitalism? Part I and Part II.

I absolutely loved Austin Channing’s book, I’m Still Here — Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness. A world made for whiteness…as the author shares her experiences growing up black in white middle class and communities, and then going on to college and into the work world, we understand better... it’s a quick read. Highly recommended.

And speaking of book recommendations. When the world just gets too heavy, there’s nothing better than escaping another time and place—and someone else’s life! I love this series so far as recommended by a friend to me: The Royal Spyness Series by Rhys Bowen, beginning with Book 1. (can’t beat that price either!) It takes place in London, 1932, and the solver of mysteries is Lady Victoria Georgiana Charlotte Eugenie, 34th in line for the English throne—Georgie for short. So much fun!

Peace and joy until next week—


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