Denise J Herman

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Taking stock of the present moment

Hi everyone,

In this global pandemic moment of forced social distance, I’m feeling a great need to connect with people and share useful information, creativity and generally more light in the world. So I thought I’d start a weekly habit of sharing.

Because group emails are cumbersome, I’m using an e-news software program. If you have friends who you think might like my links, feel free to forward this to them and they are welcome to subscribe at


Five things I want to share with you this week:

1. This is a must see video call from Dr. Dave Price of Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City. He provides practical and specific rules we should all follow. Watch it and pass it on! With so many lives at stake, it’s more important than ever to give our attention to the experts and not the politicians.

2. Where are the tests? Where are the masks? Where was an actual, coordinated strategy to head off this deadly disease? Here’s how we lost the first critical month. But at least someone was doing something — I love Christian Siriano!

3. When we can’t actually leave our current crazy circumstances, it’s time to travel in other ways. We can escape to Hogwarts! Or ride along on the Extraordinary Adventures of the Athena Club with this first book in 3 book series (SO fun!) Meanwhile, this week I finally watched Judy, and also the new television series, Self-Made—both on Netflix.

4. A lot of creative people these days are struggling with how to respond in these unprecedented times. I am moved by the words of Nick Cave on his beautiful blog. Also, Andy J. Pizza last week on his Creative Pep Talk podcast.

5. As for me, I’m hanging out here in my State of Rupt. And that’s okay.

Peace and joy until next week—
