Denise J Herman

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Lotta love

Hello! Welcome to my weekly habit of sharing.

I’m writing to you the night before our dog, Rufus, is to have surgery to remove some problematic but benign tumors Barring unforeseen events, he’ll be fine…but I’m still distracted. He’s our baby—even 10 years later!

So in any event, this week I don’t have much more to say except to share so many great links. Enjoy!

Five things I want to share with you this week:

  1. Two Americans to celebrate: Graphic artist Milton Glaser, co-founder of New York Magazine, creator of so much iconic art including the psychedelic Bob Dylan Poster and the I Love New York logo, and so much more. He died last week at 91 years old, but his art will live on for centuries. I bet you recognize a lot of it!

    Also, Charles Booker, who might have lost the democratic primary in Kentucky, but wow, read his concession letter. A politician who deeply cares about people.  Imagine that.

  2. What you might not know about…

    White women’s tears

    The undeniable reality of confederate statues…and “rape-colored” skin

  3. What we learned from the dudes who wouldn’t wear condoms: The Dudes Who Won’t Wear Masks

  4. When it comes to food, we already know…

    the best diet for humans

    that global agriculture must be transformed to provide nutritious food to all humans

  5.  Finally, kudos to…

    Penelope Trunk for calling them out: The College Board is Racist

    Professor Kimberly Rather: for sharing her knowledge and pushing us to look closer at Aerosols

    The Pope: he urged all Catholics to drop investments in fossil fuels

    The Badass 50: Meet the Women Who are Changing the World

Peace and joy until next week—


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