Yet there is light

In this week’s letter where I share the Good Stuff I find on the internet: a peek inside my journal and more…

When I ask myself, what I am doing with this weekly Good Stuff letter, I remind myself that this little effort is one way for me to spread light. Because my main criteria for each link I share is that I was LIT UP by what that human had to share—and I hope you will be too.

I am reminded of a journal entry I wrote at the beginning of this year—so I thought I’d share an excerpt with you today. Here’s a peek inside my journal…nine months ago:


(age 57)

It’s taken me a long time to get here

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Everything is connected

Everything is connected

In this week’s letter where I share the Good Stuff I find on the internet: finding perspective

I struggled this week with what to say about the excellent links I want to share with you. What do they all have in common? And then I saw it. Each of the first three speakers (linked below) takes the particulars of their subject—whether republic democracy, art and activism or U.S. treatment of migrant children—and finds big picture, universal truths for us: how we see the world and how we might take action.

Images of both a microscope and a telescope come to mind. Both instruments reveal what we cannot see with our eyes alone—and it’s always amazing how it all connects. How the structure of the atom as quantum physicists look closer and closer, for instance, replicates the structure of the whole universe.

Connections—how we and every bit of the universe connects—is what we end up seeing when we REALLY look at the Big Picture

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How not to fall into the darkness

How not to fall into the darkness

In this week’s Good Stuff Letter: finding balance in troubled times…

Hi friends,

I don’t know about you, but I kind of freaked out this week when I heard that “the lungs of the planet” —the rainforests of the Amazon — are burning. The news and social media made it sound like planet earth apocalypse was upon us.

Reading further, though, it turns out the situation is hardly apocalpytic—yet. It’s bad. Very bad. This record year for Amazon fires reflects forest preservation policy reversal by the new, extreme right president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, which clearly puts the Amazon and the planet at threat in the too near future. But it’s not the end of the world, at least right this minute.

You can find links to some good articles below, but right now I don’t actually want to talk about the Amazon rainforests.

I want to talk about perceptions and emotions in these troubled times—and how to maintain some kind of balanced perspective.

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Cereal boxes and taking back attention

Cereal boxes and taking back attention

Links to Stuff I Love on the Internet—and Beyond

Welcome to Issue #2 of my Good Stuff Letter. You can find back issues here.

In the mornings when I was in grade school, I would head first thing to the kitchen where on a good day Frosted Flakes or Captain Crunch or Coco Krispies would be sitting out on the counter—or maybe Cheerios or Cornflakes.

No matter, really. I’d pull out the whole milk, grab a bowl and a spoon on my way to the kitchen table, and then I’d sit down, eat, and read every inch of the cereal box.

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