Denise J Herman

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You turn the page, grab some color...begin to splash it around a bit...and you are there.

No where else. In the moment, fully engaged, focused...


Not every time, though. Sometimes your Inner Critic is loud and critical. Sometimes, you can't forget your over-filled to-do list or your over-scheduled calendar. Sometimes you're filled with an assortment of inner obstacles like overwhelm, confusion and self doubt.

But if you make at least some time every week or every day, something interesting happens.

You drop down into this sublime flow state more and more often.

And not only that.

The more you show up to your art journal with “no ideas”, the more you experience how ideas come to you...

....and the more you trust that you will have more ideas.

In fact, other creative projects begin to bubble up...

And your creativity begins to spill outside of your art journal into other projects.


All while you keep art journaling.

You notice colors and patterns wherever you look (and you try, try to collect them for your art journal).

You feel content more often, filled up with the relief of having just created—something, and then something again.

You begin to watch yourself as you create...

and when you're not creating, too.

How you react, judge and fear on the page...

as in life...

That you know more than you think, that your perceptions are often interesting crumbs to follow...

You get to know yourself better.

You come to see the possibilities between "bad" and "good",  "right" and "wrong"...and maybe judgements and fear are just stories we tell ourselves..

and so you learn...

and share....

And you create more, with and for others...

Experiencing flow.


Not every time, though. Sometimes your Inner Critic is loud and critical. Sometimes, you can't forget your over-filled to-do list or your over-scheduled calendar. Sometimes you're filled with an assortment of inner obstacles like overwhelm, confusion and self doubt.

But if you make at least some time every week or every day

You'll be amazed at what happens in your art journal.