Links! Let’s bring blogrolls back!

Links! Let’s bring blogrolls back!

I’ve added a new blogroll to my sidebar on my website!

It’s full of links to my favorite people on the internet—artists, writers, thinkers and all around interesting humans—who have something real to say and share. I hope you’ll check them out and subscribe to some of them and follow their blogging shenanigans. And maybe share links to your favorite blogs with your friends too!

I also really hope that blogrolls make a comeback so I thought I’d help start the ball ‘rolling.’ Maybe I can convince other bloggers to bring back their blogrolls, too. You never know.


Because I am a raving blog fan

And I want more people to find the great stuff out there.

And a blogroll, if you don’t know, is simply a list of blogs on a blogger’s sidebar to help people find great stuff.

They used to be a big thing before mass social media. Bloggers linked to other blogs on their sidebar blogrolls and other bloggers linked back to them on theirs. The more links across the blogosphere, the more everyone could find each other.

It was a good idea and we should bring it back.

Have I convinced you yet to jump on over to my new blogroll to check out my favorite blogs?

You’ll find it on my sidebar.

And while you’re at it—I updated my gallery and my welcome statement. You’ll find those directly on my website too. I’d love to know what you think so drop me a line if you feel like it and let me know.


P.S. In case you’re curious

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Wonder Goggles? — 52 Cards Project #33

Wonder Goggles? — 52 Cards Project #33

Hmmm, so how do I explain this one? Well, thinking about what my theme should be for my 52 Cards project this week, an idea kept niggling. It came from someone new to me online, Andrea Scher, friend of artist Kelly Rae Roberts, who I have followed for years also because of her creative and joyful approach to life.

Both women are visual artists, writers and entrepreneurs and much younger than me, but honestly I just love the way they seem to fill their lives with color and friends, love, art, connection and deep, soulful Truth. So I listen when they write.

We all want more of that, right?

So I subscribed to Andrea’s newsletter and received a follow-up gift called

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My continuing sketchbook saga

My continuing sketchbook saga

I have a confession to make: I’m sick of my current sketchbook—the Crescent Rendr.

This sketchbook, which I’m more than half way through, is too big even though I thought I wanted a larger sketchbook after the last smaller one, and the paper is unsatisfying. It might be good for Copic markers—alcohol ink doesn’t bleed through the paper which is amazing (and the reason I bought it) —but it’s not so great for anything else.

Watercolor and gouache smear rather than soak into the fibers, and I just don’t like the feel of it on my hand. It feels kind of coarse--but it actually has no texture.

And…yes, I admit it, my disillusion with the current one might also have something to do with the allure of a newer

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Gotcha! — 52 Cards Project #32

Gotcha! — 52 Cards Project #32

At first I was looking for a metaphor for this week’s card for my 52 Card Project.

It was a good week creatively. With time to play and experiment since the daily ICAD Challenge, I felt like more than a few ideas fell into place about what I want to make next and how I want to work. You always know when you’re on the right track when your heart starts humming.

The metaphor for all this, however, eluded me. What would visually communicate what I was feeling this week?

After wracking my brain with no luck, I started looking

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Connection — 52 Cards Project #31

Connection — 52 Cards Project #31

This week my theme of the week for my 52 Cards Project is Connection—which is in no way the same as as the theme for week 4 (but ok, maybe they rhyme).

Sometimes I have to search for a theme but this week it found me. It was the first week of “normal life” for over a month (although I can’t say I believe in or even want “normal”) . But coming back from sickness and travel and as the calendar changed months, I was able to

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ICAD Challenge 2022 - complete!

ICAD Challenge 2022 - complete!

And that’s a wrap! I am really so grateful to Tammy Garcia at Daisy Yellow for hosting this annual challenge. It’s been a great experience and I’m glad it’s over!

Art Challenges aren’t always easy—thus the word challenge—and it is true, sometimes making a card every day felt like a slog. But sometimes it’s worth the effort to push through to finish a goal. And as it turns out, I met two goals. And yes,

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Emerge - 52 Cards Project #30

Emerge - 52 Cards Project #30

Emerge is last week’s theme for my 52 Cards Project. I travelled to Asheville, North Carolina to meet up with my friend Diane for a three-day art retreat with Alena Hennessey. As a way in to the art one day, Alena guided us through a guided visualization through the seven chakras.

We began with the root chakra, where she asked us to “see” a particular image or color, and then in our minds’ eyes we made our way up the 7 chakras to the last one, the crown chakra. At that point, I saw myself emerging from under water, into the air.

“For anyone trying to discern what to do w/ their life,” says Amy Krause Rosenthal as quoted by Austin Kleon, “PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU PAY ATTENTION TO. that’s pretty much all the info u need.”

Like Kleon, I take those words to the heart of

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