What I was mostly doing in 2024
/365 pages of art - these are my favorites
I committed myself to a daily project for the entire year of 2024. Whew! It was a lot. Time to stop and reflect.
What just happened?
Well, for this project I set out to fill a small 3”x5” Moleskine diary —365 dated pages made of crappy paper—with some kind of art every day. For a year.
The pages you see above? My favorites.
Why did I take this on?
I tend to get lured by all the new possibilities of a new project, conveniently forgetting that I lose inspiration well before the project is finished. Of course, this is not a bug but a feature of the creative process. How else would we give birth to new creations if we remembered the pain of labor?
It started because I was inspired by a couple of artists who do this kind of thing, especially Pep Carrio, who has filled Moleskines with art for years. His work is amazing.
What was I thinking?
I wasn’t. When it comes down to it I put myself on the hook for a very long project out of irrational emotion, maybe even complete delusion.
Maybe that’s the only way to get anything done.
So, the goals of the project:
I tried to keep my expectations small. All I had to do was fill all the pages with something visual. Something being the operative word. Anything counted—even just one dot, and I planned to fill those pages every day, one day at a time.
Did I hope to create certain kinds of artworks or develop in certain ways? I don’t remember but I don’t think so. I just wanted to fill that book.
And the reality…
(Now I’ll turn to trusty bullets and a few close ups to share my thoughts on what happened—actual life experience being nonlinear as it is.
I filled all 365 pages! I feel good about that. It’s quite satisfying now to hold this thick art-filled book in my hands, to flip through the pages. The grid above gathers all my favorite pages into its own digital artwork, and that pleases me too.
I’ve never done anything every day for a whole year before this—and I can report that my record still stands. I still have not done something every day for a whole year!
I could not fill one page each day. I repeatedly fell behind, then I’d catch up by doing sets of pages at a time—and then fall behind again. After a few months I gave myself the grace to make two page spreads every two days. But I still fell behind. And caught up. And fell behind.
I’ve never been able to see my style before, and now when I put them all together, I can! So that’s something. For the most part my art is is bold and graphic, I love shapes and wonky characters! Certain motifs reappeared frequently—cats, birds, wonky animals and characters, for instance. Interesting.
Finally, after many years of trying to choose, I see now that I just don’t have to choose. I can see that love both abstraction and more representational art (though I tend to draw in an abstractified style).
I cannot say that I enjoyed this project. For much of it, I felt the burden of keeping up, coming up with ideas, and it became increasingly difficult to work with this flimsy paper in a tiny book—growing more and more cramped as the book started bulging.
I also often felt like I was taking too long on one (small) page at the expense of other projects. And in fact, I did spend too much art time here and not enough imet on other projects. I made a handful of other works on paper and in other art journals and sketchbooks, yes, but I think I created far less outside of the Moleskine than I ever have in my art practice.
Except that I actually created far more than ever in one year: 365 pages of this small book is filled with art.
And by the way, when I fell into an especially fun drawing or painting or collage piece, I totally loved it! I ended up frequently making work that surprised and delighted me.So there goes my story that I didn’t enjoy the project.
It’s absolutely true that we have to create a lot of bad art to make something good—and maybe being uncomfortable is just part of the process.
I didn’t share most of what I created in this Moleskine—not online and not with people IRL. Why? Because, look closely, most are rough and unfinished. That’s the truth.
Individually, most pages did not meet my standards for sharing, I hate to admit—because I KNOW social media is filled with way too much perfection posturing and I don’t want to give anyone that impression. Butandalso…what artist wants to share poor quality work?
But again. I have to remind myself: what was my intention? It was not create final works of art. It was to create one drafty piece every day.
All in all, this project was not easy. But I met my goal week after week, month after month —and then, over 365 days, I ended up with over one hundred pictures I do like, some I even love.
But. man, it was uncomfortable.
Was the project a success?
Absolutely. I’ve come to know myself as an artist so much more. I’m proud of myself for completing the project. And I I developed my style.
Will I do it again?
Absolutely not!
And whatever I make next? It won’t be in notebooks with crappy paper.