Layers—52 Cards Project #47

Another week and we’ve covered a lot of ground—and water—on our Australia tour. So this week’s theme for my 52 Card Project is simply ‘Layers’. I feel like I’ve been moving through layers and layers of experiences.

The week began on Hamilton Island in the Whitsundays, which was a gorgeous tropical few days on the ocean. I got to snorkel the very southern tip of the Great Barrier Reef—and then we simply hung out by the sea (okay, the pool) for a couple of days. From there we headed out by plane to Hobart, Tasmania—where we’ve been for six days.

Again, I don’t mean to bore you with a long travelogue but I will just say that this island, the southern most tip of Australia (not that far north of Antarctica)…is amazing. It’s gorgeous, the people are lovely, the city is vibrant, but also calm and relaxing. It’s colonial history is shocking and truly horrible—but there is a strong sense of the original aboriginal people who continue their lives here in sacred connection to this beautiful land—and remind us to experience with reverence too.

Like I said, lots of layers!

Okay, onward we go to Melbourne for one more week. Farewell for now.