A prayer for the dead and the living

Hello! Welcome to the next edition of my weekly habit of sharing.

Wow. What a week. I struggle to find words. My heart goes out to the families and to George Floyd …Ahmed Arboury …Breanna Taylor…

With these senseless, awful deaths, may we all wake up to the truth that people of color in this country are too often brutalized, marginalized, and unjustly treated because of the color of their skin. And that this malevolence is built into an entire system and worldview of white supremacy. And that this system is inherited over centuries of industrialized colonization—baked into our history, our institutions, our communities and into each of us individually because we live here.

And may we each find more empathy and understanding before we can dismantle, rebuild and heal.

An article: Protests, Uprisings and Race War

A video: Tyrone Edwards Shares

Peace and joy until next week—


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