A little bit of truth and a lot of joy

Hello! Welcome to the next edition of my weekly habit of sharing.

Five things to share with you this week:

  1. Best on creativity this week:

  2. A few weeks ago I sent you Margo Aaron’s article on how mass media works to keep you uninformed and afraid (which is so important to every one of us that I’m linking to it again!) As follow-up, Margo added two quick posts worth reading, too: on fixing anxiety and then on fixing capitalism…don’t miss her links, either! IWT? What?

  3. Best articles on the pandemic I found this week:

  4. I love connecting online with friends and family on Zoom these days. Here are some ideas for playing games with others at a distance: here and here.

  5. This week I finished the third and last book in the series, The Extraordinary Adventures of the Athena Club. (Here’s books one and two). So fun! I know Book Three is supposed to be the last in the trilogy, but I’m hoping the adventures will continue some day.

Peace and joy until next week—


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