On the road again

It seems the world is opening up a bit and I am traveling a little more than I have over the last two years. I have so far avoided covid and I hope to remain virus free, but I am vaccinated so I have a pretty good chance I won’t die if I do get it. Others with compromised immunity don’t have my luxury, which is a very good reason to avoid getting covid myself so I don’t inadvertently spread it to others. Because I don’t want it and I don’t want to spread it, I have decided for myself—regardless of public mandates—to wear a good KN95 mask indoors. Hopefully I can avoid long exposure anyone who doesn’t care if they get—or spread—covid.

In the meantime, I have to make the very difficult decision about what art supplies to bring with me. I think this is the bare minimum. Except that small daily bag will definitely get switched out for a much larger one.