Cat Shots

This is a fun exercise I did for Este MacLeod’s video on Sketchbook Revivial 2022. You can’t see them now, but every cat started out as a number, 1-9. Este was one of thirty teachers for this free annual online event hosted by Karen Abend—and this demo was one of my favorites. It’s an exercise in pure creativity where possibilities start to roll onto the page. My mind is still thinking about what else I can do.

I can’t say enough about Sketchbook Revival. It’s kind of like an intensive two-week sampler course where every day for two weeks registrants receive two new instructional videos featuring two different artists by email. The two weeks ended Monday but they are available (you can still sign up) until April 18th (and did I mention its free?)

Videos focus on different ways to fill a sketchbook and introduce a variety of people to follow more online, and all kinds of mediums and techniques.

It can be overwhelming for sure—Each video is about an hour long and trying to keep up with two every day is too time consuming. This year, though, I found a way to keep on top of it. First, the event happened to fall at a time where I wasn’t too busy, and second, I didn’t watch every video. BUT. I previewed every video, in order—and then decided on the ones to watch and try. We are all different, so what suits one person might not suit another—I doubt anyone would find all thirty useful.

As for me, I think maybe a third of the presentations sparked some kind of resonance and excitement. I will spend the next few weeks until the event closes down reviewing those videos, completing projects from those artists, and looking into what more they have to offer online too.

I think the greatest benefit, though, was how inspired I just generally became over the course of the event. One idea sparked another idea. I want to try several new things. My project list grew exponentially!

Yet with so many approaches offered, I also didn’t feel compelled to do it all, nor did I feel confused about what called to me. In fact, I think I now feel more confident than ever in the kind of art I like to make—and the kind of art that isn’t for me. I’ve been really following my preferences this last year and I feel like this experience just clarified just how far I’ve come in knowing who I am as an artist.

So I’d say Karen and her guest crew did an amazing job—and I am grateful.