Did you read with me? Utopia Avenue and The Candy House

Did you read with me? Utopia Avenue and The Candy House

Today I want to report back on the last two books I haven’t had a chance to talk about yet, Utopia Avenue by David Mitchell and The Candy House by Jennifer Egan. You can find my thoughts for each of the other books so far for my Read with Me Project here. And if you want to join me, here are links to places you can find digital and physical books.

May and June ended up being two BIG BOOKS for this little reading project, especially considering the fact that I felt like I had to re-read Egan’s first novel, A Visit From the Goon Squad because The Candy House is essentially a sequel to it, and it’s true, they do fit together as one story—one VERY long story.

They reading wasn’t actually difficult. Both writers use language that flows easily and beautifully. But both books require attention and thought as all good art makes us do—and this is all to say that I didn’t write about them here on the blog as I intend each month because I simply didn’t have any more bandwidth.

But now, here I am, ready to say just a little something about each novel—and even better, give you a few links to real reviews which fill in the details.

Utopia Avenue

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