Character Sketches Part 2

Character Sketches Part 2

Following up on the character sketches I was working on last week for a Skillshare class, I now have my character drawn in four poses: neutral (although she looks a little arrogant), surprised, sad and disgusted. The 3/4 pose is going to be more difficult—and then to finish the exercise I’m going to paint one of them in a final piece.

Like I said about this little class project, I am focused right now on

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Experiments don't always turn out

Experiments don't always turn out

This was an experiment in my sketchbook. Copied and cut out one of the wonky characters I’d drawn yesterday and put her on a chair with a rough background. Not exactly successful—but it was fun. Sometimes that’s all I can do—try something and have fun doing it. I’m not sure I learned much, really. Well, okay, the watercolor curtains kind of look like curtains…maybe I can start there with the next experiment…

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More wonky characters

More wonky characters

So much of developing as an artist is discovering the kind of art we want to make—learning our preferences for mediums and subject matter. For me, I can’t say that I am anywhere close to choosing anything exclusively, and as a mixed media artist, I probably never will. The more I create, though, the more I am learning my preferences.

I love working with watercolor more than acrylic paint, for instance. But I really miss

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Character sketches

Character sketches

As I hinted at yesterday, I do feel like I’m all over the place with art-making lately. I’m just doing a lot of experimenting, especially with character drawing. This sketch book page features an exercise from another Skillshare class, Illustrating Emotions with Anne Bollman. First I drew a character with a “neutral” expression—and then I drew the same character showing a different emotion—surprise.

Overall, I’m pleased. I am developing skill in drawing cartoon-like characters. I don’t think I could have done this a year ago, to tell you the truth. I plan to extend the exercise and try drawing her with two other emotions. And then maybe I’ll try 3/4 and side views…

If you’e followed along recently

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Practice with Cut Outs

Practice with Cut Outs

For a long time I’ve struggled with how to organize my art practice. Over the years, I’ve found some structure. First, I have a well-developed daily art habit and I try to devote at least some time every day to my art practice. And because I’m at my best in the morning, I try to work then.

But I’m always feeling this push and pull. What should I work on and for how long? There’s so much I want to do! Between learning and practice, creative exploration and all the projects I want to finish—there never seems to be enough time.

And then I found

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Define value

Define value

The other day someone saw me drawing these figures as I watched people walk around the San Rafael Civic Center lake, and she asked me if I make art. I said yes and she asked, “As a hobby?” And with sinking heart—because I knew I was betraying myself—I said yes.

People don’t understand art or artists very much. I think it’s because

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