In and Out of Time - 52 Cards Project #16

In and Out of Time - 52 Cards Project #16

It’s week 16 of my 52 Week Cards Project and this is the first time so far that I really struggled to find a theme—AND it’s the first week that I didn’t meet my self-imposed deadline (Mondays). Oh well—I gave myself a break and wha la, it’s Tuesday and I’m done.

I found it curious that I just couldn’t find my theme. Normally at week’s end, when I think about my experiences and emotions that week, the theme quickly comes to me—in words. Then I find the visual composition to express those words, generally by brainstorming in my sketchbook with quick thumbnails until I hit on something I like.

This week, though, the words just didn’t come—and instead I found my way entirely with image.

First—briefly—my week:

I spent it with

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