Ripple Effect 52 Cards Project #11

Ripple Effect 52 Cards Project #11

As soon as this line came to me last week I knew I had my theme for the week.

Art making is kind of like skipping stones, right? Throw a flat stone across the smooth surface of a river and watch one idea become the next and the next…and then watch them ripple out.

I spent most of my week last week experimenting and playing and not doing much else. I created figures in different ways, some in ink and colored pencil, some paper cut outs, some watercolor, some collage. And then the acrylics came out and I found myself painting abstracts. I was kind of all over the place.

I can’t say I knew what I was doing—or even that I was comfortable with what often felt out of control.

Here’s what I wrote in my journal:

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