Self talk

Self talk

Currently, I’m not working on a project or taking a class and I’m not participating in #The100DayProject that just started again this year. And what that means is that without some direction every day I get to wake up and ask myself, ‘what will I make today? 

I use the word “get to” intentionally. It’s something Jill Badonsky recommends as a way to reset inner dialogue. Because let’s face it: it is a privilege to create. A privilege for one who does not have to put all their resources into survival. And a privilege granted by our own Selves—those of us who prioritize and value our own creativity. 

So I get to create. And I do make it a priority in my life to create every day. And saying so reminds me of that.

Because otherwise? Not knowing what to make next scares the bejeezus out of me. Artist or not, it’s more than a little scary

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