/You've given yourself the inner space you need for your art journaling practice. You are committed. Now, let's find some actual time and space, shall we?
Read MoreYou've given yourself the inner space you need for your art journaling practice. You are committed. Now, let's find some actual time and space, shall we?
Read MoreAn art journal is simply a private and safe place to be creative. Often a book (but not always), it can be of any size or dimension. It doesn't have to be a place to create "art" (though it may), and you definitely don't need to be an artist to work in an art journal (although you most certainly can be)...
Read MoreYou may not like my answer to this question, but I think you'll find I'm right.
It really is up to you.
Read MoreArt journaling is a kind of magic. I mean, until you create an art journal page, it doesn't exist. You create it. You bring it into existence.
Read MoreArt Journaling is a hobby that can include as many or as few supplies as you want. If you find yourself with just paper and a ballpoint pen—you can art journal. In fact, with a little imagination you could rock that art journal.
Read MoreIf you are just starting out with art journaling, don’t over-purchase supplies. Don't be like that new photography student who buys an expensive camera, 20 different lens, tripods, lights, backdrops and everything else related to cameras…and then starts on lesson one: how to focus.
Read MoreLet me tell you a secret: Art journaling doesn’t have to be art. And you don’t have to “be” an artist (although you can be). An art journal is simply a private and safe place for anyone—anyone—to be creative.
Read MoreYour art journal is not only something you want to make. It’s where you spend important, creative time with yourself, for yourself—and you know that’s the most important reason of all.
Yet. It can be hard to find time.
Read MoreWhere I spill my heART and share my obsessions: art journaling, mixed media, and my creative life.
Self taught artist, ranging reader, and writer of Wonderwise.
Archive of posts found on Wonderwise coming soon.