City Life — 52 Cards Project #39
/#39 of my 52 Cards Project — City Life
So I didn’t know what my theme would be for my 52 Cards Project this week. I had very little time to think about the card while traveling from weekend to weekend, Chicago and then Los Angeles, and by the time we arrived home Sunday I was spent. But on my Monday walk at Town Park in Corte Madera there they were.
My beloved northern geese, who had not been present before I left, had returned.
We don’t see them much spring or summer, but the northern geese love this park in the fall and winter (Do some fly farther south? I do not know).
ANYWAY, a handful of geese were hanging out on the asphalt outside of the elementary school up ahead on the path, and as we approached they started marching away from us in bunches.
And there at the end of the pack were two geese, marching in step. They were so cute! And it occurred to me that they kind of looked like Dennis and me walking through the streets of Chicago. So many destinations (The Art Institute, the Architectural Tour, the Contemporary Museum of Art, the neighborhoods, the restaurants—oh so many restaurants!), so little time.
And so this week’s theme is City Life—because we spent the week in the city, and though we may have looked like these geese, we actually didn’t march. We meandered. But oh well. Close enough.