Equilibrium 52-Cards Project #12
/#12 52-Cards Project
Equilibrium perfectly captures the theme this week for my 52 Cards Project. I spent so much time trying to just keep my balance, creatively. The winds of self doubt came for me. What am I doing? Why am I doing it? Does it even matter?
So I felt a little wobbly.
But I know what was happening. I’ve been working outside of my comfort zone. Over the last few weeks I’ve been really experimenting with character drawing AND abstract work too. I’m just generally trying new ways to express myself. Creating without a clear idea of where I might be going with it. Trying to find my way. So that’s a little scary.
And then, I’ve also started sharing my art practice here on the blog. Like I never have before, actually. I’m trying for radical honesty, and for the first time in a long time, I’m blogging almost daily. What?
I guess I finally came to a sticking place. Like, you know, I have something to share in my art practice and in me, and it’s time to just do it, on my own platform and in my own way. And so I found what feels like a very sustainable working system that fits into my creative practice and I’m off and running…
Will others find my it interesting or useful?
Well, I do hope so. But I think as I find my balance here in my creative life, one big shift is that none of this is to perform for others. Not my art. Not my blog.
I create because I love it—and I want to share what I do. Big difference.
And so I create. And so I share. What happens from there? Maybe that’s not up to me so much.
All I can do is try to stay upright. Or at least that was all I could do this week.
As I was drawing this card I remembered one of my favorite poems, also about a tightrope, Constantly Risking Absurdity by Lawrence Ferlinghetti.