Stop — 52 Card Project #27
/Card #27 of my 52 Cards Project for 2022: Stop
I came down with Covid this last week so my weekly theme card for my 52 Cards Project is a little late—and a little obscure. For this personal project of mine I try to finish the card and post it to my blog by the Monday right after the week ends. However, while not life threatening because I am vaccinated and boostered, I had it pretty bad this weekend. I could not draw much. I’m still really tired—but over the last few days I could work slowly on my card and here it is.
So I chose the ancient Hamsa hand symbol for its universal message of protection against evil—and fingers pointed up, I was told to stop. Which is exactly what I was forced to do this week. I just stopped.
I filled my talisman with personal symbols. There are the universal musical notes for rest…the eye of the Universe watching out for me…even as I was swimming in a sea of little corona viruses. I also filled my hamsa with a few symbols that represent me: Maiden, Mother, Crone, the three phases of a woman’s life; the sun and the moon, light and shadow that is life; and then there is a symbol for the metaphysical universal law “as above so below”, which simply means we’re all connected: what happens out there, happens in here, what happens to the microcosm—the individual— is affected by the macrocosm— society at large.
That’s the big lesson from Covid for all of us, right? We each are affected by and do affect the whole—infected and do infect, too!
Anyway, that’s my card for the week and now I’m going back to bed for more rest—it’s going to take a while to fully recover. But I am grateful that I feel better, that we do have the vaccine—and for this amazing life we all share.