Uneven 52 Cards Project #5
Fifth week of the year and my theme of the week turned out to be ‘uneven.’ It just fit!
I had a good week. Lots of space to work and think and read. Had some great workouts and talks with friends, my daughter stayed over a few nights, the weather was nice. And I continue to integrate real connection with myself into all that I do.
However. There were bumps. Poor communication here and there. Self doubt. Darker places my mind likes to take me if I let it—and too often I follow along before even realizing I’m going there!
My theme for the week became obvious on one of the hikes we do regularly—the Cypress Trail and the Dipsea Stairs loop in Mill Valley. The ground is very rocky and root bound in places, and I think I strained something in my left ankle again on Wednesday trying to navigate the uneven ground.
I’m beginning to see my internal state as reflected in external conditions…call and response in the music that is my life.
Still working in black and white ink for my weekly theme card project, but played a bit with black ink washes…its uneven nature seemed fitting.