Reality and silver linings

Hello! Welcome to my weekly habit of sharing.

Five things I want to share with you this week:

  1. College this year. It’s not what kids, parents or college administrators want to hear—like for everyone else about the pandemic—but two weeks ago Prof Scott Galloway of NYU called out the lunacy (and economic motivations) for sending college kids back to physical college classes:

My 4th year at UCLA I was Interfraternity Council President… As king of the jarheads, I was privy to the tragedy that unfurled each week from the collision of youth, alcohol, and newfound freedom. In the same year, a Lambda Chi passed out from drinking on the roof of his fraternity, rolled off into the driveway, and was found the next morning in a coma. Our IFC VP (a Phi Kap) got shi**y drunk at a party in Malibu, decided to take a jetski out at 2 am, and washed up 5 days later. Our treasurer (Sigma Chi) hanged himself after his girlfriend rejected his marriage proposal. Yep, but today’s youth will definitely wear masks and keep 6 feet from each other off campus.

This week, titled USS University, his message is more direct.

Think about this. Next month, as currently envisioned, 2,800+ cruise ships retrofitted with white boards and a younger cohort will set sail in the midst of a raging pandemic. The density and socialization on these cruise ships could render college towns across America the next virus hot spots, [their healthcare systems overwhelmed ]“in a matter of days.”

Back in May too many Americans ignored reality and tried to go back to normal—and now the coronavirus is worse than ever in the U.S. Will we look back and say we did it again in September—only worse?

2. Now, let’s look at pandemic silver linings—because really, what else can we do? Saved by the Pandemic? And how about this vision - including actual 3-D virtual reality vision - of New York City without cars! Super cool! Oh, and while we can’t be certain (yet), but it’s interesting to note that there are no known cases of Covid-10 transmission via surfaces.

3. Inequalities close look at home:

With rapid rates of gentrification and some of the highest housing prices and homelessness numbers, San Francisco is home to the most extreme income inequalities in the country. We all have a duty to realize that national reform is needed, but we must start with looking at ourselves and our own communities. Especially those of you who’ve flocked to the Bay Area for six-figure salaries in tech and bussed commutes into Mountain View — now’s also the time to acquaint yourself with how regional gentrification continues to widen the racial disparities faced by BIPOC Bay Area residents.

4. Creativity, Community, Connection, Collaboration. CGood TV just launched a free, online, 4-part series called C the Good. Each short video explores each of these “four pillars of a conscious world”. Truly inspiring and beautiful. Also, talk about a great example of someone doing what it takes in these strange times to make himself - and others - happy!

5. The Great Realisation. I will be forever grateful to CGood above for introducing me to Probably Tomfoolery on YouTube. He is so talented (and so cute!) I’m going to binge watch all his work this weekend. Here’s the short viral video—a true work of art—that they talk about: The Great Realisation .

May it be so.

Peace and joy until next week—


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