How much power?

Hello! Welcome to my weekly habit of sharing.

Whether we like it or not, all of our lives are fully enmeshed—economically, politically, socially and yes emotionally— in the webs of the Four Horsemen (Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google). Given that the CEOS of said horsemen will soon testify before the US House Judiciary Antitrust Committee, then, I think I can be most helpful by sharing just one link this week…

…In which the writer explains why the politicians probably won’t ask the tough questions…

…but then (second half is the real gem), he provides the questions (with pictures) that they SHOULD ask.

Galloway provides the very best visuals to illustrate what the numbers these Giants represent really mean. To our country and our own lives.

We humans have a hard time visualizing numbers without pictures, I think.

Fire and Fawning by Scott Galloway—highly recommended!

How much power is monopoly…or something even more destructive to the common economic and social good?

Peace and joy until next week—


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