Moral Revolution, anyone?

Hello! Welcome to the next edition of my weekly habit of sharing.

I have so much to share with you today.

  1. First and most importantly: Like so many of us us, I feel ever more concern and urgency about the grave crises of our world—environmental, social, political, economic. It is no surprise, then, that I resonated so deeply with this (short, short) post, The Moral Imagination. In fact, I ended up signing up for the online course, The Path of Moral Leadership (FREE with a purchase of a book - see below) through the esteemed Acumen Academy.

    So here’s the thing: I need team members. Want to join me? The course is structured around teams of 2-6 people who take the class together. I can try to connect with others in the course to form a team, but before I do—I’d LOVE for you to join me. We would of course work entirely online—so distance does not matter—and it will be a small time commitment each week. Nothing too strenuous but who knows what might come out of the experience?

    If you’re interested - please watch the 2 minute video and look over the site. If you feel like I do, then, simply buy the book (Manifesto for a Moral Revolution), then sign up for the course for FREE and contact me—let’s be a team!

  2. As a parent with one child still in college, I’m intrigued by this idea of ‘Corona Corps’ . It might help college kids get through the pandemic AND serve our country (which needs all the help it can get—see #3 below). Here’s a follow-up to the idea published nationally: We Need National Service. Now.

  3. I was shocked to learn in this short and scathing piece that the death rate in the United states from Covid-10 is six times higher than the the average global death rate.

    Lack of preparation, lack of resources, lack of national leadership…“The country Trump promised to make great again has never in its history seemed so pitiful.” (The Irish Times).

    I’ll say.

  4. Here’s a few articles on office buildings in the time of the coronavirus: This one, Death of the Office, is excellent. Then theres Will the Office be Killed by the Coronavirus? And finally - this one is more of a PSA. Most of us might not know that that water systems in large buildings must be well taken care of or they can make us sick. Be sure to inquire about your building if and when you go back to work!

  5. Okay - here’s some random links. First, I loved this article on dogs in puberty (goes for cats, too!) Good reminder to new pet parents: animals go through stages too. This too shall pass.

    I enjoyed Glennon Doyle’s latest book, Untamed, a series of short essays on reclaiming her true, wild self (and her story is pretty intriguing!)

    Now I’m listening to Kate Racculia’s book on tape, Bellweather Rhapsody. It’s a super fun account of one weekend in a haunted hotel—told by all kinds of characters staying there for a high school musician’s conference.

    Oh, and if you loved Parks and Recreation, their zoom reunion special now on Youtube was so fun. I guess other old shows like The Office are doing their own “zoom specials too…” As my husband would say, ‘My Corona! DUh duh-duh DUh DUh! ‘

Peace and joy until next week—


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