Emerge - 52 Cards Project #30

Emerge - 52 Cards Project #30

Emerge is last week’s theme for my 52 Cards Project. I travelled to Asheville, North Carolina to meet up with my friend Diane for a three-day art retreat with Alena Hennessey. As a way in to the art one day, Alena guided us through a guided visualization through the seven chakras.

We began with the root chakra, where she asked us to “see” a particular image or color, and then in our minds’ eyes we made our way up the 7 chakras to the last one, the crown chakra. At that point, I saw myself emerging from under water, into the air.

“For anyone trying to discern what to do w/ their life,” says Amy Krause Rosenthal as quoted by Austin Kleon, “PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU PAY ATTENTION TO. that’s pretty much all the info u need.”

Like Kleon, I take those words to the heart of

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