That's a wrap! My 52 Cards Project 2022

That's a wrap! My 52 Cards Project 2022

If you’ve been following along on this particular art journey, thank you for reading each week and going along for the ride! I’ve had some lovely responses to this project and I especially appreciate all of you who shared your thoughts and gave me encouragement. It really helped me keep going.

If you’re just finding me now, welcome! This 52 Cards Project has been a personal project for 2022 where each week I assigned a theme to whatever I experienced that week and illustrated it on a 4X6” card, and then I shared each card and some thoughts in a weekly post.

I’ve had some questions about how the project went for me, what I learned—and what I’m going to do next—so here goes:

First of all, Why did I initiate a project that would run for an entire year?

I have no idea.

I literally thought,

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Celebrate--52 Cards Project #52

Celebrate--52 Cards Project #52

And finally…Card #52 of my 52 Cards Project! The theme for this last week of the year is Celebrate. And yes, like my whacky lizard, I am celebrating—both the new year (although most likely I’ll be ringing in the new year on the couch in my pajamas) and the end of this project.

As made this card, I wondered. What do we celebrate on New Year’s Eve? Are we celebrating the end of one year or are we celebrating the beginning of the next one?

And the question holds for this project too. Am I celebrating the finish line of a year-long endeavor or am I celebrating the starting gate of the next creative adventure?

On the one hand,

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Hygge--52 Cards Project #50

Hygge--52 Cards Project #50

It’s the week of before Christmas and “all through house, not a creature is stirring not even a mouse.” (Now that we’re settled that is.)

Hannukah is now just beginning as I write this, and the winter solstice is here, and all in all t’s been deliciously quiet around here this week before festivities begin. So my theme for card #50 (!) of my 52 Cards Project is simply hygge. ‘Hygge’ as you probably know since the concept swept the internet in recent years, is a Danish/Norwegian word for that feeling of coziness and contentment you get when you’re all bundled up at home in the dead of winter.

Yep, that’s the feeling this week. I hope you are enjoying the same!


As a sidenote, I am fast coming to the end of this 52 Cards Project! Only two more cards to go! That means that not only have I created a drawing for each week of the year, but I’ve also consistently written about each card on my blog here, week after week (which you might be receiving in the form of a weekly email).

Thank you so much for joining me on this little adventure! I hope my drawings and little stories about my life each week enriches yours in some way, and even more, my secret hope is that you start thinking about your own creativity, too.

I know I have been

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Ready to Go—52 Cards Project #45

Ready to Go—52 Cards Project #45

My bags are packed and by the time this post reaches you I’ll be in Sydney, Australia! While I’m away I plan to continue weekly cards for my 52 Cards Project. As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I’m determined to create a theme card for every week of 2022 and I don’t plan to miss these weeks I’m traveling!

I won’t have a scanner and I’m not bringing Copic markers—but I’ll have other art supplies with me (see below). I’ll also throw in a few photos of our trip too, so stay tuned!


About what is going into these two luggage pieces

Besides art supplies? Well, I’ll go into that in a moment. First, I replaced both my suitcase and carry-on this year, and now my 22” suitcase is a bit smaller than I had (the fewer things I bring the less I can misplace or lose), and the tote bag is replaces a backpack.

I’m also bringing a sling bag for during the days (art supplies, cell phone, etc.)—which I’ll pack for air travel.

I am someone who can’t function in a disorganized environment, on the road or off. If you’ve ever been to my art studio, for a good example, you know that

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Getting my Ducks in a Row—52 Cards Project #44

Getting my Ducks in a Row—52 Cards Project #44

This week it’s been all about getting things in order as we get ready for travel and the holidays. The theme for my 52 Cards Project just seemed like an obvious choice!

I had in mind yellow ducks for this card—but it turns out that ducks aren’t yellow. I guess I should have known that…Some ducklings from some species (like the white Pekin and the Mallard) are yellow, and then change colors as adults, but not all ducklings are yellow either. It depends on the species of duck. Also, it seems that maybe this saying came from when they used to set up wooden ducks for old-time carnival shooting galleries—but I’m not sure those were yellow either.

I have to say I get a little kick out of learning new fun facts when creating cards (I’m a nerd that way). Hope it brightens your day too!

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Healing—52 Cards Project #43

Healing—52 Cards Project #43

Healing is the theme of this week for my 52 Cards Project. My sister had back surgery and I’ve spent some time helping her out as she gets back on her feet. She’s doing as well as can be expected, but the healing process will take time—and this week, from the long anticipated surgery, to hospital to home marks the beginning of her healing journey. I hope any care I could provide—and my love—will aid in a faster recovery.

Or in other words, dear ‘Sis—Get Well Soon!

***Some fun facts about this Greek snake and staff symbol for healing, which I learned in making this card:

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