That's a wrap! My 52 Cards Project 2022

That's a wrap! My 52 Cards Project 2022

If you’ve been following along on this particular art journey, thank you for reading each week and going along for the ride! I’ve had some lovely responses to this project and I especially appreciate all of you who shared your thoughts and gave me encouragement. It really helped me keep going.

If you’re just finding me now, welcome! This 52 Cards Project has been a personal project for 2022 where each week I assigned a theme to whatever I experienced that week and illustrated it on a 4X6” card, and then I shared each card and some thoughts in a weekly post.

I’ve had some questions about how the project went for me, what I learned—and what I’m going to do next—so here goes:

First of all, Why did I initiate a project that would run for an entire year?

I have no idea.

I literally thought,

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