Hygge--52 Cards Project #50

Hygge--52 Cards Project #50

It’s the week of before Christmas and “all through house, not a creature is stirring not even a mouse.” (Now that we’re settled that is.)

Hannukah is now just beginning as I write this, and the winter solstice is here, and all in all t’s been deliciously quiet around here this week before festivities begin. So my theme for card #50 (!) of my 52 Cards Project is simply hygge. ‘Hygge’ as you probably know since the concept swept the internet in recent years, is a Danish/Norwegian word for that feeling of coziness and contentment you get when you’re all bundled up at home in the dead of winter.

Yep, that’s the feeling this week. I hope you are enjoying the same!


As a sidenote, I am fast coming to the end of this 52 Cards Project! Only two more cards to go! That means that not only have I created a drawing for each week of the year, but I’ve also consistently written about each card on my blog here, week after week (which you might be receiving in the form of a weekly email).

Thank you so much for joining me on this little adventure! I hope my drawings and little stories about my life each week enriches yours in some way, and even more, my secret hope is that you start thinking about your own creativity, too.

I know I have been

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