Read with me in 2022!

Read with me in 2022!

If there’s anything I love as much as I love art it is reading. And then I love talking about books with others! Which is all to say that I thought I’d start a little project this first month of 2022—and I’d like to invite you in on it.

I’m keeping it simple. I’m committing to reading one book a month, and I’ve come up with a list of books for the next six months to start.

I’d love it if you’d read that book that month too.

Then, at the end of each month I will write a short blog post about the book and maybe we could have a conversation about it in the comments section…and maybe there will be more than two of us!

Or at the very least, we’ll read some good books.

How do I know the books on my list are good? Well, I don’t know for sure, of course, because I haven’t read them. That’s always the risk with books, and I’d be shocked if you or I love every book on any list—that’s how book reading rolls, right? But generally, I either know the authors’ other work or I read book recommendations from reviewers and other readers, so I vouch for the list. It’s a good list.

With that said, though, I imagine we have to share similar interests in books for this to work out. So let me tell you about myself as a reader. First, I do read my share of nonfiction and there is one nonfiction title on this list, but most of all I love Story, so I mostly read fiction.

I tend to read books that feature complex characters in interesting conflicts—and no matter if the story is a light romp or a deeper exploration of the human condition, it must be well written. But otherwise, I like stories in different forms too—from modern fairy tale to mysteries, rom-coms, fantasy, literary fiction…I’m open, but no matter the form, I do want my stories to be truthful even if i complete fantasy.

As for what you won’t find on my list. I abhor violence and I don’t much like crazy suspense as a plot convention. Not to say I rule out everything leaning in that direction—realistic violence that isn’t gratuitous but necessary to the story might be okay. But overall, the older I get the less interested I am in heavy, tragic stories. There’s too much of that in the world as it is. I know it exists and it hurts my heart what people go through in this world. But I don’t want to read about it. I read for entertainment—and for enlightenment.

Anyway, I do hope that if you are a reader you will consider reading along with me—and if nothing else, check back at the end of the month to hear what I have to say about the books.

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