10 Things I'm Doing Lately

10 Things I'm Doing Lately

Greetings! I’ve wandered away from the blog a bit, but now I’ve come back. Blogging is one of those items on my “all the things” list from #4 below that I am prioritizing. It’s something I want to do consistently, reliably and meaningfully.

Why? Well, because writing helps me think clearly and I like to read blogs. But I think what keeps the flame burning is that it simply feels important to share what moves through me. There’s something to share.

Yep, that is why. So this blog continues and I hope you will find it interesting and useful and that you will subscribe. It’s free and you can get new posts by Email or RSS Reader.

So - to bring you up to date, here’s a list of 10 things I’m doing lately:

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Did you read with me—The Lost and Found Bookshop by Susan Wiggs

Did you read with me—The Lost and Found Bookshop by Susan Wiggs

his is my monthly Read With Me project and I hope you’ll join me! No commitment. No wine and cheese parties. If you want, simply read the book for the indicated month (see image to left) and then look for a post about the book here on the blog around the 15th of the following month.

I won’t write a formal review. I’ll just share what I found compelling (or not) and I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments (but again, no commitment).

Ok, so here we go: The Lost and Found Bookshop by Susan Wiggs.

This post is going to be short and sweet. The Lost and Found Bookshop was

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Did you Read with Me? The Sentence by Louise Erdrich

Did you Read with Me? The Sentence by Louise Erdrich

I finished The Sentence in February for my Read with Me project this year, but I’m posting my thoughts about the book in the middle of March.

Just so you know, that’s going to be the rhythm for this project going forward and I invite you to join me! We’ll read the book for the indicated month and then look for a post about the book here on the blog around the 15th of the following month.

I don’t plan or intend to write a formal review. I’ll just share what I found compelling (or not) and I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Ok, so here we go.

First of all, I thought Erdrich’s The Sentence was a beautiful book. Tookie immediately captured my heart and promised a good ride from very beginning—and when we get to know Pollux —oh my. I don’t know if I loved each of them or the love they had for each other more!

This is a story about people who are still haunted by the past.

Erdrich wonderfully works with the concept—motif—of ‘sentence’ to

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Read with Me: The Humans by Matt Haig

Read with Me: The Humans by Matt Haig

Is it just me or did we blaze through January ’22 really fast? It seems like I just put out the list of books for my new little Read with Me project, and here we are at the end of the month, first book down.

So. I’m not going to write a formal review of the books. I really just want to pull a few of my thoughts together while the story is fresh in my mind, and then invite you to share your thoughts. I’m setting my own personal deadline to write a post by the end of each month. So here we are.

Haig’s The Humans was a lovely first book for the project.

I thought it was inventive, engaging, fun to read—and yet serious and thoughtful. I think it works for several reasons. First,

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Read with me in 2022!

Read with me in 2022!

If there’s anything I love as much as I love art it is reading. And then I love talking about books with others! Which is all to say that I thought I’d start a little project this first month of 2022—and I’d like to invite you in on it.

I’m keeping it simple. I’m committing to reading one book a month, and I’ve come up with a list of books for the next six months to start.

I’d love it if you’d read that book that month too.

Then, at the end of each month I will write a short blog post about the book and maybe we could have a conversation about it in the comments section…and maybe there will be more than two of us!

Or at the very least, we’ll read some good books.

How do I know the books on my list are good? Well, I don’t know for sure, of course, because I haven’t read them. That’s always the risk with books, and I’d be shocked if you or I love every book on any list—that’s how book reading rolls, right? But generally, I either know the authors’ other work or I read book recommendations from reviewers and other readers, so I vouch for the list. It’s a good list.

With that said, though, I imagine we have to share similar interests in books for this to work out. So let me tell you about myself as a reader. First, I do read my share of nonfiction and there is one nonfiction title on this list, but most of all I love Story, so I mostly read fiction.

I tend to read books that feature complex characters in interesting conflicts—and no matter if the story is a light romp or a deeper exploration of the human condition, it must be well written. But otherwise, I like stories in different forms too—from modern fairy tale to mysteries, rom-coms, fantasy, literary fiction…I’m open, but no matter the form, I do want my stories to be truthful even if i complete fantasy.

As for what you won’t find on my list. I abhor violence and I don’t much like crazy suspense as a plot convention. Not to say I rule out everything leaning in that direction—realistic violence that isn’t gratuitous but necessary to the story might be okay. But overall, the older I get the less interested I am in heavy, tragic stories. There’s too much of that in the world as it is. I know it exists and it hurts my heart what people go through in this world. But I don’t want to read about it. I read for entertainment—and for enlightenment.

Anyway, I do hope that if you are a reader you will consider reading along with me—and if nothing else, check back at the end of the month to hear what I have to say about the books.

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