This week in my art practice

My art practice has a weekly rhythm. I begin by making a list of creative intentions on Mondays in my journal. I whittle away at the list all week. Then the next Monday, after review of the previous week I create a new list and on it goes.

Now, I’m taking this ritual online by sharing my list and process on the blog each week.

ALSO, because someone MIGHT ask why I’m doing any of this at all, (and that someone is usually me when I lose a sense of creative direction (often)), I’m including my why for each item. Just a reminder to myself more than anything, but also, maybe something on my list will resonate with yours.

My creative intentions list for this week—May 17-23

  1. Daily sketches in my sketchbook

    I’ve had an ongoing daily sketchbook practice for some time now, but recently August Wren inspired me to turn that practice into a daily quick and imperfect drawing in a dedicated daily drawing sketchbook.


    • to explore ideas

    • to practice drawing

    • to warm up for the day

    • to have a book—many books, eventually—filled with daily imperfect drawings. Art objects in themselves.

  2. Finish the last square in the illustrated nine panel grid for Ira Marck’s Skillshare class, Illustration & Creative Expression: Simple Exercises to Unlock Creativity

    I have an annual subscription to the Skillshare learning platform and last week, I completed eight out of nine panesfor this class and I want to finish this piece before I move on to a new class and project.


    I chose this class because I want to learn how to simplify and abstractify images to convey ideas. I think that’s the direction I want to take my own images.

    I want to finish before starting another class to avoid old habits of beginning but not completing things.

  3. Post images/captions for pieces I want to share on Instagram, especially for the final #FillaTinyJournal challenge

    I am trying to consistently post my art or posts about my art 3-5 times a week on Instagram. I also joined a laid back instagram group challenge to make and fill a small art journal and we are heading into the ninth and last week.


    • I like adding my art to my instagram art gallery (profile)

    • I like others to see what I’m working on

    • I want to connect with and engage with other creatives and artists and instagram is one (flawed but useful) way to do that.

  4. Learn and practice drawings with copic markers

    Last week I rediscovered copic markers and they’re super fun to work with! I love how they layer. But I have much to learn, both how to use them and how to create successful drawings with them—so this is my why and has become the next skill at the top of my learning list.

    I’ll check in with YouTube and study copic artist’s work—and I’ll take at least one Skillshare class.

  5. Finalize the idea for the next art project,now that the the Tiny Journal challenge is over


    So I think there are three things I do in my art practice. I practice - in my sketchbook. I learn new skills and develop my craft. And I make things. This year, I’m trying to focus on one learning thing and one project at a time. I’m ready for the next project.

  6. Share on the blog. Write. Edit. Publish.

    My blog has been languishing for quite some time, but not the desire to share. If anything, the quiet voice inside is getting louder: SHARE more of what you do. Not just what you make (as I’ve been doing and will continue to do on Instagram), but what you’re thinking about and what inspires you. So after more than enough time thinking about it, it’s begun. I begin.


    I don’t really know why I need to blog. All I know is that if I don’t get my thoughts and emotions out I will be the one to languish. I NEED to share—and maybe someone needs what I have to share. I don’t know, but I do need to trust that this feeling comes from some place far beyond my little body and brain. It is in fact spiritual guidance in the form of one big intuitive SHOVE.

    Okay, already! I will. I am.

    (More about blogs and blogging later in the week).