I invite you to my creative, learning life

I have to tell you, I’ve started blogs before, but I failed to sustain them. I don’t want that to happen again.

So I’ve been thinking . What will it take to DO this over the long term? It’s really important to get super clear about what I want—for you and me—out of this blog, and why.

I know what I don’t want

I don’t want to feel pressured to churn out posts in order to please any algorithm to get more views.

I don’t want to worry about “getting” anything—certainly not readers. Not approval, either.

I don’t want to feel obligated.

I don’t want to sacrifice making art in order to make this blog.

I don’t want to feel like it needs to be perfect and polished—just real. I don’t want this to be a job.

And I don’t want to bore people. I’d rather they were uninterested and move on.

What I DO want?

I want blogging to be joyful and fun. Something I look forward to doing each week.

I want it to be as nourishing as writing in my journal, where I write to think and gather all the thoughts. Something that propels me forward with renewed energy.

And I want it to be as nourishing for others as well—giving inspiration, learning and renewed energy too.

Finally, I want—I hope—that what I create here will somehow help me connect with an engage with other readers, writers and/or artists of all kinds.

Other humans who love to learn and discover and create treasures.

I’m not sure how that’s going to work, but I’m putting it out to the universe and we’ll see. To begin, I’m going to show up and fill this blog with what I learn about what I’m passionate about—art, spirit, nature.

I’m going to write because I know I have so much to share and I need to share it—but I’m not in control of who wants or needs to receive it.

Sharing is enough.

(My new mantra.)

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