February Moon Paintings

February Moon Paintings

The full Moon at the beginning of February found me feeling all the energies of all three of these symbols: the groundhog, the owl and the heron. Hibernating a bit, living beneath the surface, I still found myself also peering above the rim of daily life seeking balance and stability—and seeking wisdom. By new moon, I find myself stepping off the edge, I guess! Into the unknown I go!

I’m enjoying learning about the Moon and it’s cycles in the yearlong Moonshine class I’m taking with Effy Wild, creating Moon paintings each month (goauche on watercolor paper) for the new and full moons.

I have a lot to learn still about the Moon, and one good source I recommend is Moonology by Yasmin Boland. You might want to check it out. I appreciate how Boland explains that physically, the moon travels around the earth, the earth travels around the sun and it’s consistent change in shape from a sliver in the sky to a full circle to a sliver again is caused by the changing angles between the three—which I think we all understand.

What I find interesting is that

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Follow the Leader 52 Cards Project #2

Follow the Leader 52 Cards Project #2

Creating this week’s card for my 52 Card Project flowed out of me as I completed my experience of the weeklong Hoffman Process in Petaluma, California, last week. If you don’t know, the Hoffman Institute is renowned for its transformational experience and I’ve been on the wait list to attend for over four months. I It’s hard to put into words what the Hoffman Process is or does—so I’ll give you the surface description from Hoffman itself:

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What does earth and spirit have to do with art?

You might notice that I’m dedicating my blog to my three passions—art, spirit and earth—but it seems that mostly and so far, I talk about art.

You might suspect there’s some kind of struggle going on with me—and you wouldn’t be wrong.

So here’s the truth. I LOVE to draw and paint and creatively problem solve and share my creative life. Which is what I do every chance I get—online and off. I’ve mentioned this journey several times lately—I love art making and I’m all in. That metaphorical plate is spinning in the air.

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And here I go...

12-20 portal.jpg

If nothing else, 2020, the year of pause, gave me clarity about what is important and what I want to focus on creatively and personally. I posted my first picture for 2021 on instagram today. It kind of feels like a send off as I enter into the new year with clear intention and three passions:


Mixed media artist Kelly Rae said recently on her blog:

“When I create, I’m at peace. I feel brave. I feel healing on all levels. I feel connected with Spirit, and to my own light. From that place, so much is born. Joy! Abundance! Community! Purpose!”


I have been on a creative journey that began a decade ago when I gingerly stepped into visual self expression with art mediums I’d never used before. This interest soon flared into this full blown passion for color and line and form—and all things art supplies. And then before I knew it I had an art studio where I taught art journaling and mixed media.. and then this passon again transformed into a drawing obsession—art that will take the rest of my life to explore.


I am most fortunate to live and spend time in mountains and beaches. I have done so all my life. As I witness the growing effects of the climate crisis both in my own California and around the globe, and study the science of what’s to come if we don’t alter our disconnected, industrial war on the planet, I commit to change.

I step into my deep love for nature, our planet and all living beings and I will share what I love and learn about what we can all do to protect this most sacred world.


When I talk about nature and art, I can’t help but refer to spirit. Because, of course, they are all connected. In nature and in our own creative impulse, we get closer to understanding and connecting to the mysteries of the universe. To the love and connection that binds us in innumerable ways to the earth, to each other—and to ourselves.

More and more I try to be conscious and present to not just the material forms, but the spiritual web inside and out, within, between and among us. This is also my work—our work. The work of our lifetimes.

And so I step into the portal.

Let’s hold hands and go together.