See with your mind's eye—52 Cards Project #24

The 24th card of the year—getting close to the halfway mark of my 52 Cards Project where I create one card each week to capture something that’s going on for me—a theme. This week, I spent a good amount of time drawing to prompts for the Index Card A Day Challenge, and also working in my sketchbook. I find that more and more I’m focusing not just on “how to draw” a thing—but how to draw what I see with my mind’s eye. Each time I make that shift from what I see with my eyes to what I see with that still place inside, I get this jolt of…hmmm…neon orange, pink, and teal? Yep, that’s what it feels like! And an understanding that this is how I want to see—and draw. It’s been a good week and I’m excited to keep drawing!