Sea Legs—52 Cards Project #46

Sea Legs—52 Cards Project #46

Hello from Australia! I’m attempting to post my card of the week for my 52 Cards Project—plus some highlight photos of our trip so far—but let’s see if it works overseas and on an iPhone!

So the theme for this week is “Sea Legs” because like for all trips, I find it takes me about a week to get my travel sea legs and this time is no exception. We spent our first week in and around Sydney—beaches, the Blue Mountains and lots of time in the city—and it was an adjustment. How to efficiently pack and move from one location to the next, negotiating local transport—and just sinking into the present moment.

I can now report I have my sea legs and we are having a great time!

I don’t intend to write a travel log here (aren’t you relieved?) However, I’ll end this post with a few favorite pictures so far. You may notice there are many bird pictures—including one I used as a reference photo for this card (I bet you can find it). To no one’s surprise, I’m sure,

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Present — 52 Cards Project #37

Present — 52 Cards Project #37

here’s something about the beautiful snowy egrets that populate our wetlands this time of year. I love all birds, but these herons are especially elegant and serene—and completely present in their watery environment— my theme for this week’s card for my 52 Cards Project.

All in all, it’s been a much needed quiet week. I spent a good amount of time hanging out my friends and family outdoors—but also like the snowy egret, I enjoyed solitude—reading and and working in my sketchbook.

It was a good week.

P.S. I did a little geeking out on egrets for this week’s card. I did not know that

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See with your mind's eye—52 Cards Project #24

See with your mind's eye—52 Cards Project #24

The 24th card of the year—getting close to the halfway mark of my 52 Cards Project where I create one card each week to capture something that’s going on for me—a theme. This week, I spent a good amount of time drawing to prompts for the Index Card A Day Challenge, and also working in my sketchbook. I find that more and more I’m focusing not just on “how to draw” a thing—but how to draw what I see with my mind’s eye. Each time I make that shift from what I see with my eyes and what I see with that still place inside, I get this jolt of…hmmm…neon orange, pink, and teal? Yep, that’s what it feels like! And an understanding that this is how I want to see—and draw. It’s been a good week and I’m excited to keep drawing!

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