Gotcha! — 52 Cards Project #32

Gotcha! — 52 Cards Project #32

At first I was looking for a metaphor for this week’s card for my 52 Card Project.

It was a good week creatively. With time to play and experiment since the daily ICAD Challenge, I felt like more than a few ideas fell into place about what I want to make next and how I want to work. You always know when you’re on the right track when your heart starts humming.

The metaphor for all this, however, eluded me. What would visually communicate what I was feeling this week?

After wracking my brain with no luck, I started looking

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Oh My Heart 52 Cards Project #10

Oh My Heart 52 Cards Project #10

Ten weeks into my 52 Cards Project! This week my card expresses all my sadness for Ukraine and all the innocents in the world who get caught up in pain and violence, war and death. So senseless. My heart bleeds.

Whenever I think of war, I think of what Eckhart Tolle says about humans in A New Earth:

“The collective manifestations of the insanity that lies at the heart of the human condition constitute the greater part of human history. It is to a large extent a history of madness. If the history of humanity were the clinical case history of a single human being, the diagnosis would have to be:

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