Healing—52 Cards Project #43

Healing—52 Cards Project #43

Healing is the theme of this week for my 52 Cards Project. My sister had back surgery and I’ve spent some time helping her out as she gets back on her feet. She’s doing as well as can be expected, but the healing process will take time—and this week, from the long anticipated surgery, to hospital to home marks the beginning of her healing journey. I hope any care I could provide—and my love—will aid in a faster recovery.

Or in other words, dear ‘Sis—Get Well Soon!

***Some fun facts about this Greek snake and staff symbol for healing, which I learned in making this card:

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Love — 52 Cards Project #35

Given last week’s card for my 52 Cards Project, you might have wondered what I would draw for this week’s theme card. If you did, you’re not alone. So did I!

The theme would be about our daughter’s wedding, of course, but over this long weekend as mother of the bride, I was much too busy to draw and much too full emotions to even sort it out!

When I finally came back down to earth to make my card for the week, the usual symbols presented themselves. Bells, hearts, flowers…At first I felt I couldn’t find my own way around these well-worn images. What, I wondered, could I say that hasn’t been said before?

But you know, this tale IS as “old as time”—but it is also ever new.

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Anticipation — 52 Cards Project #34

Anticipation — 52 Cards Project #34

“An ti ci pAY A tion…it’s making me wait….”

What?! Did you know that those aren’t the actual lyrics of the chorus in Carly Simon’s song? I did not! The actual chorus is “Anticipation is keeping me late…is keeping me waiting…”

Well, that’s lame if you ask me. My version is better. I’ve been singing along to it since…1971!

“It’s making me wait….making me WAY A A A A-it-ing….”

That was certainly what I was humming as I made my theme card this week for my 52 Cards Project. Because it’s been a week—no, months, no — over a year—of anticipation for a very big event. Our eldest daughter Abby and her fiance, Peter, are getting married! This weekend.

You might be wondering why I chose a drooling black Labrador for this card. Well, there’s a story behind that.

You see, long ago

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Gotcha! — 52 Cards Project #32

Gotcha! — 52 Cards Project #32

At first I was looking for a metaphor for this week’s card for my 52 Card Project.

It was a good week creatively. With time to play and experiment since the daily ICAD Challenge, I felt like more than a few ideas fell into place about what I want to make next and how I want to work. You always know when you’re on the right track when your heart starts humming.

The metaphor for all this, however, eluded me. What would visually communicate what I was feeling this week?

After wracking my brain with no luck, I started looking

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Spelunking — 52 Cards Project #18

Spelunking — 52 Cards Project #18

There’s a story behind this week’s theme for my 52 Cards Project, of course.

It began with a book landing on my front step. I had preordered it months ago to both support an author I’ve long admired, Teresa Reed, and because the idea of making tarot cards sounded kind of fun. And I don’t know, sometimes the universe works in mysterious ways, but I was feeling kind of lost creatively last week—maybe you could tell—and that day particularly, the day the book arrived, I felt especially uninspired.

So I began thumbing

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Sea creature - 52 Cards Project #14

Sea creature - 52 Cards Project #14

We got lucky and rented a house four doors down from the beach (in Ventura) during a heat wave this week. There is nothing better than being on a California beach during a heat wave! Perfect temperature. I got to spend many hours walking on the shore, looking for “treasures”, and just sitting in the sand.

So of course the theme card for my 52-Week Cards Project this week had to feature the ocean. And my heart. Because I am—for sure—a sea creature.

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