February Moon Paintings

February Moon Paintings

The full Moon at the beginning of February found me feeling all the energies of all three of these symbols: the groundhog, the owl and the heron. Hibernating a bit, living beneath the surface, I still found myself also peering above the rim of daily life seeking balance and stability—and seeking wisdom. By new moon, I find myself stepping off the edge, I guess! Into the unknown I go!

I’m enjoying learning about the Moon and it’s cycles in the yearlong Moonshine class I’m taking with Effy Wild, creating Moon paintings each month (goauche on watercolor paper) for the new and full moons.

I have a lot to learn still about the Moon, and one good source I recommend is Moonology by Yasmin Boland. You might want to check it out. I appreciate how Boland explains that physically, the moon travels around the earth, the earth travels around the sun and it’s consistent change in shape from a sliver in the sky to a full circle to a sliver again is caused by the changing angles between the three—which I think we all understand.

What I find interesting is that

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January Moon Paintings

January Moon Paintings

As I mentioned earlier this month, I am replacing my 2022 year-long project with a flurry of creative projects this year—including a couple of different online classes and programs. One of those programs is Effy Wild’s Moonshine 2023 program—and these are my first two moon paintings!

The full moon was January 6th and I had barely begun the program for the full moon so this painting was entirely off the cuff. Simply a figure traveling by the light of the full moon

A few weeks later for the new moon on January 21st, I began

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Up--52 Cards Project #40

Up--52 Cards Project #40

I had trouble finding a theme for this week for my 52 Cards Project. It has been a busy week, coming back from holiday and catching up on all the things. We also had two birthday celebrations and I’m also aware that I’ll be away for most of November and part of December so I’m beginning to prepare for that.

So anyway. What would be my theme for the week? I usually sit down and brainstorm for a bit, but for a while nothing really came to me—except I kept getting an image of a spiral staircase but I didn’t know why. That is,

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