What happens when I can't choose

What happens when I can't choose

All creative work depends on making choices, but for me like this week, choice can be a dangerous trigger.

It goes like this: I want to create—something, but I don’t know what. And because I enjoy many kinds of art and many kinds of media, I start to feel overwhelmed with options. And then, once overwhelmed, I suddenly find myself on the witness stand of my own mind being interrogated by my internal prosecutor.

“What will you make?”

“I don’t know!

“You don’t know? Well, why not? You should know, wouldn’t you agree? Why can’t you choose? Do you have an imagination problem…?”

I could stay stuck right here, trembling in self-doubt, but that would be really unproductive—and since this is not an unfamiliar pattern, I thought I’d share what I think this trigger actually is—and how to get out of it.

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Up--52 Cards Project #40

Up--52 Cards Project #40

I had trouble finding a theme for this week for my 52 Cards Project. It has been a busy week, coming back from holiday and catching up on all the things. We also had two birthday celebrations and I’m also aware that I’ll be away for most of November and part of December so I’m beginning to prepare for that.

So anyway. What would be my theme for the week? I usually sit down and brainstorm for a bit, but for a while nothing really came to me—except I kept getting an image of a spiral staircase but I didn’t know why. That is,

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