Landing--52 Cards Project #49

Landing--52 Cards Project #49

Well, this is the week of coming back home so ‘landing’ seemed the right theme for my 52 Cards Project. It takes a week to settle back to the ground after a long trip. There’s jet lag and then of course there’s all the stuff of getting back—calendars, groceries, laundry, appointments, phone calls—and Christmas coming in fast. (Notice my symbolic use of red and green. So subtle, I know).

The theme could have been ‘retribution’ though.

If you have cats you know what I’m talking about…

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Horizon - 52 Card Project #29

Horizon - 52 Card Project #29

Ir’s hard to believe I’ve been making a theme card a week all year for my 52 Cards Project—and here we’re almost the end of July. It’s become a routine. Every Sunday I start thinking about the past week, I come up with a theme and then I start thinking about how to create that visually—and then somehow the card gets made on Monday.

This past week husband and I were recovering

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It's Not Too Late - 52 Cards Project #28

It's Not Too Late - 52 Cards Project #28

My weekly theme card for my 52 Cards Project will make more sense when you understand what happened this week. I received a book in the mail that I had pre-ordered months ago. All it took was a quick flip- through and I knew that first, as a project launched by preeminent change agent Seth Godin and created by hundreds, this book is an amazing resource and tool, and second, this is a call I must answer.

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Stop — 52 Card Project #27

Stop — 52 Card Project #27

I came down with Covid this last week so my weekly theme card for my 52 Cards Project is a little late—and a little obscure. For this personal project of mine I try to finish the card and post it to my blog by the Monday right after the week ends. However, while not life threatening because I am vaccinated and boostered, I had it pretty bad this weekend. I could not draw much. I’m still really tired—but over the last few days I could work slowly on my card and here it is.

So I chose the ancient Hamsa hand symbol for its universal message of

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(Release) Self Judgement 52 Cards Project #22

(Release) Self Judgement 52 Cards Project #22

This week’s theme for my 52 Cards Project is a little hard to talk about because I’m going to have to explain it, to be understood, and that’s going to require some vulnerability—but here goes.

I’ve been feeling awful about my art lately.

Well, not about this project—I’m really happy with these weekly theme cards I’m making. I’m surprising myself and a week doesn’t go by that I’m not super pleased with the ideas and the expression that comes from this project. And I’m super grateful for this project because right now these cards are about all I’ve had to show for my creative self.

Besides this one card I make each week, though

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Cliches are all you got? — 52 Cards Project #20

Cliches are all you got? — 52 Cards Project #20

This week for my 52 Cards project, I had a bit of a problem…I thought I had one theme but it turns out that wasn’t right at all. The week has been one of trying to let go of my perfectionist tendencies, creatively, but also trying to let go of many attachments I’m holding on to in my life—the big one being that a good friend is moving away, and I really would rather she didn’t :-)

Change is hard.

In any event, ‘

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Spelunking — 52 Cards Project #18

Spelunking — 52 Cards Project #18

There’s a story behind this week’s theme for my 52 Cards Project, of course.

It began with a book landing on my front step. I had preordered it months ago to both support an author I’ve long admired, Teresa Reed, and because the idea of making tarot cards sounded kind of fun. And I don’t know, sometimes the universe works in mysterious ways, but I was feeling kind of lost creatively last week—maybe you could tell—and that day particularly, the day the book arrived, I felt especially uninspired.

So I began thumbing

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