Equinox — 52 Cards Project #38

Equinox — 52 Cards Project #38

The major event for the 38th week of this year, and the theme for this week’s card for my 52 Cards Project was the Fall Equinox.

With night and day in more or less equal balance this week, that’s where I found myself too. But at the same time, it’s that time of year when we know what’s coming. Here in the northern hemisphere the nights are gonna get longer — and longer — and the days will get shorter — and colder.

This week I’m trying to

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Stop — 52 Card Project #27

Stop — 52 Card Project #27

I came down with Covid this last week so my weekly theme card for my 52 Cards Project is a little late—and a little obscure. For this personal project of mine I try to finish the card and post it to my blog by the Monday right after the week ends. However, while not life threatening because I am vaccinated and boostered, I had it pretty bad this weekend. I could not draw much. I’m still really tired—but over the last few days I could work slowly on my card and here it is.

So I chose the ancient Hamsa hand symbol for its universal message of

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(Release) Self Judgement 52 Cards Project #22

(Release) Self Judgement 52 Cards Project #22

This week’s theme for my 52 Cards Project is a little hard to talk about because I’m going to have to explain it, to be understood, and that’s going to require some vulnerability—but here goes.

I’ve been feeling awful about my art lately.

Well, not about this project—I’m really happy with these weekly theme cards I’m making. I’m surprising myself and a week doesn’t go by that I’m not super pleased with the ideas and the expression that comes from this project. And I’m super grateful for this project because right now these cards are about all I’ve had to show for my creative self.

Besides this one card I make each week, though

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Muse — 52 Cards Project #19

Muse — 52 Cards Project #19

This week’s theme for my 52 Cards Project, seemed just right: a lot of musing (verb), languishing in a state of muse (the noun)…and yes, looking for inspiration. Maybe I was also hoping that a Muse straight from the Greek otherworld might come along too. Calliope, Erato, Melpomene…Polymnia, Terpsichord, Thalia, Urania—someone help me!!

Seriously, it’s been another week of searching. I continued on, exploring and experimenting with abstracts and collage and sketching—and musing about the kind of art I want to make…

And in the meantime, another week, another theme card. Hmmm. Art I want to make.

(I think I’m done musing for now.)

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