Spelunking — 52 Cards Project #18

Spelunking — 52 Cards Project #18

There’s a story behind this week’s theme for my 52 Cards Project, of course.

It began with a book landing on my front step. I had preordered it months ago to both support an author I’ve long admired, Teresa Reed, and because the idea of making tarot cards sounded kind of fun. And I don’t know, sometimes the universe works in mysterious ways, but I was feeling kind of lost creatively last week—maybe you could tell—and that day particularly, the day the book arrived, I felt especially uninspired.

So I began thumbing

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Soft landing — 52 Cards Project #17

Soft landing — 52 Cards Project #17

This week for my 52 Cards Project I knew my theme immediately. Having come home from a trip to Mexico Sunday, I was surprised to find that I experienced an uncommonly soft landing as I eased back to home life. This is not normally true when I go away as I’ve mentioned before, and from what I understand most people also have difficulty transitioning home from vacation.

So from that standpoint, it was an unusual week and the theme idea was easy.

But then, I struggled with

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First 16 weeks of my 52 Cards Project

First 16 weeks of my 52 Cards Project

Four months and 16 cards into the year for my 52 Cards Project. Whoop whoop!

So far, I'm pleased with this little passion project. Surprisingly, it's taken 0 self discipline to complete it every week—unlike art challenges where I always seem to lose steam midway through and really have to push myself to complete.

I often wonder about that aspect of art challenges. On the one hand, art challenges are SO useful. I’ve

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In and Out of Time - 52 Cards Project #16

In and Out of Time - 52 Cards Project #16

It’s week 16 of my 52 Week Cards Project and this is the first time so far that I really struggled to find a theme—AND it’s the first week that I didn’t meet my self-imposed deadline (Mondays). Oh well—I gave myself a break and wha la, it’s Tuesday and I’m done.

I found it curious that I just couldn’t find my theme. Normally at week’s end, when I think about my experiences and emotions that week, the theme quickly comes to me—in words. Then I find the visual composition to express those words, generally by brainstorming in my sketchbook with quick thumbnails until I hit on something I like.

This week, though, the words just didn’t come—and instead I found my way entirely with image.

First—briefly—my week:

I spent it with

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Joyful — 52-cards project #15

Joyful — 52-cards project #15

This was one of those weeks without appointments, errands or obligations. I started every weekday outdoors exercising or hiking with friends, I spent good time in my art studio—and it’s spring. It rained twice this week, which here in California drought-land is a true blessing. All the land is bursting with new growth.

I believe in joy. I believe that Life is brief and amazing and we are here to experience as much joy as possible.

This week for my 52-card project, I thought about

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Sea creature - 52 Cards Project #14

Sea creature - 52 Cards Project #14

We got lucky and rented a house four doors down from the beach (in Ventura) during a heat wave this week. There is nothing better than being on a California beach during a heat wave! Perfect temperature. I got to spend many hours walking on the shore, looking for “treasures”, and just sitting in the sand.

So of course the theme card for my 52-Week Cards Project this week had to feature the ocean. And my heart. Because I am—for sure—a sea creature.

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Inspiration — 52 Card Project #13

Inspiration — 52 Card Project #13

I barely got my card of the week finished on time this week for my 52-Card Project. And by “on time” I mean that for this personal project I have committed to myself (and only myself) that I will create a card every week, and I will post it on Mondays—after the week (ending on Sunday) has just passed.

So this deadline is self-imposed. And let me just say that I am really proud that I value my commitments to myself as much as I would, say, to a boss. This is relatively new in my life. There was a time when I came last, but now, I understand that life is short and there’s nothing more important than being true to your Self.

Ironically, the reason I almost missed my deadline is that…

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