See with your mind's eye—52 Cards Project #24

See with your mind's eye—52 Cards Project #24

The 24th card of the year—getting close to the halfway mark of my 52 Cards Project where I create one card each week to capture something that’s going on for me—a theme. This week, I spent a good amount of time drawing to prompts for the Index Card A Day Challenge, and also working in my sketchbook. I find that more and more I’m focusing not just on “how to draw” a thing—but how to draw what I see with my mind’s eye. Each time I make that shift from what I see with my eyes and what I see with that still place inside, I get this jolt of…hmmm…neon orange, pink, and teal? Yep, that’s what it feels like! And an understanding that this is how I want to see—and draw. It’s been a good week and I’m excited to keep drawing!

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Truth—52 Cards Project #23

Truth—52 Cards Project #23

This image captures my week quite well for my 52 Cards Project. In both life and art, I am working toward more connection and honesty with my own feelings. To allow myself to feel what I feel. To express how I feel—even if (and especially) if I think others might not be receptive. And to allow others their feelings too.

To recognize that no feelings are “bad”.

To stop stuffing, hiding, avoiding, justifying…

With last week’s card, as I release self judgement I am stepping out from behind my walls—and into—


Did you know that an ostrich feather is one symbol for truth? It goes back to the Egyptian belief that when each person dies their heart is set on a scale with an ostrich feather on the other end. Light as a feather? Heaven you go...or something like that. Surely, at least, heaven on earth. Where lots of star jasmine currently blossom all around me.

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(Release) Self Judgement 52 Cards Project #22

(Release) Self Judgement 52 Cards Project #22

This week’s theme for my 52 Cards Project is a little hard to talk about because I’m going to have to explain it, to be understood, and that’s going to require some vulnerability—but here goes.

I’ve been feeling awful about my art lately.

Well, not about this project—I’m really happy with these weekly theme cards I’m making. I’m surprising myself and a week doesn’t go by that I’m not super pleased with the ideas and the expression that comes from this project. And I’m super grateful for this project because right now these cards are about all I’ve had to show for my creative self.

Besides this one card I make each week, though

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Be like the Tree—52 Cards Project #21

Be like the Tree—52 Cards Project #21

Another week, another card for my 52 Cards Project. I seem to be coming out a creative tailspin—finally. I just started going in too many directions with all the kinds of art I thought I wanted to make and before I knew it I couldn’t tell you what I actually wanted to do—or even why. Anyway, I’ll talk more about that later, but this card is about me pausing to remember that I really don’t need to do anything.

Just Be.

Like a tree.

If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend

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Cliches are all you got? — 52 Cards Project #20

Cliches are all you got? — 52 Cards Project #20

This week for my 52 Cards project, I had a bit of a problem…I thought I had one theme but it turns out that wasn’t right at all. The week has been one of trying to let go of my perfectionist tendencies, creatively, but also trying to let go of many attachments I’m holding on to in my life—the big one being that a good friend is moving away, and I really would rather she didn’t :-)

Change is hard.

In any event, ‘

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Muse — 52 Cards Project #19

Muse — 52 Cards Project #19

This week’s theme for my 52 Cards Project, seemed just right: a lot of musing (verb), languishing in a state of muse (the noun)…and yes, looking for inspiration. Maybe I was also hoping that a Muse straight from the Greek otherworld might come along too. Calliope, Erato, Melpomene…Polymnia, Terpsichord, Thalia, Urania—someone help me!!

Seriously, it’s been another week of searching. I continued on, exploring and experimenting with abstracts and collage and sketching—and musing about the kind of art I want to make…

And in the meantime, another week, another theme card. Hmmm. Art I want to make.

(I think I’m done musing for now.)

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