Up--52 Cards Project #40

Up--52 Cards Project #40

I had trouble finding a theme for this week for my 52 Cards Project. It has been a busy week, coming back from holiday and catching up on all the things. We also had two birthday celebrations and I’m also aware that I’ll be away for most of November and part of December so I’m beginning to prepare for that.

So anyway. What would be my theme for the week? I usually sit down and brainstorm for a bit, but for a while nothing really came to me—except I kept getting an image of a spiral staircase but I didn’t know why. That is,

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City Life — 52 Cards Project #39

City Life — 52 Cards Project #39

So I didn’t know what my theme would be for my 52 Cards Project this week. I had very little time to think about the card while traveling from weekend to weekend, Chicago and then Los Angeles, and by the time we arrived home Sunday I was spent. But on my Monday walk at Town Park in Corte Madera there they were.

My beloved northern geese, who had not been present before I left, had returned.

We don’t see them much spring or summer, but the northern geese love this park in the fall and winter (Do some fly farther south? I do not know).

ANYWAY, a handful of geese were hanging out on the asphalt

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Equinox — 52 Cards Project #38

Equinox — 52 Cards Project #38

The major event for the 38th week of this year, and the theme for this week’s card for my 52 Cards Project was the Fall Equinox.

With night and day in more or less equal balance this week, that’s where I found myself too. But at the same time, it’s that time of year when we know what’s coming. Here in the northern hemisphere the nights are gonna get longer — and longer — and the days will get shorter — and colder.

This week I’m trying to

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Present — 52 Cards Project #37

Present — 52 Cards Project #37

here’s something about the beautiful snowy egrets that populate our wetlands this time of year. I love all birds, but these herons are especially elegant and serene—and completely present in their watery environment— my theme for this week’s card for my 52 Cards Project.

All in all, it’s been a much needed quiet week. I spent a good amount of time hanging out my friends and family outdoors—but also like the snowy egret, I enjoyed solitude—reading and and working in my sketchbook.

It was a good week.

P.S. I did a little geeking out on egrets for this week’s card. I did not know that

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Love — 52 Cards Project #35

Given last week’s card for my 52 Cards Project, you might have wondered what I would draw for this week’s theme card. If you did, you’re not alone. So did I!

The theme would be about our daughter’s wedding, of course, but over this long weekend as mother of the bride, I was much too busy to draw and much too full emotions to even sort it out!

When I finally came back down to earth to make my card for the week, the usual symbols presented themselves. Bells, hearts, flowers…At first I felt I couldn’t find my own way around these well-worn images. What, I wondered, could I say that hasn’t been said before?

But you know, this tale IS as “old as time”—but it is also ever new.

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Did you read with me? All Adults Here & Sea of Tranquility

Did you read with me? All Adults Here & Sea of Tranquility

In July and August the titles for my Book a Month challenge were All Adults Here by Emily Straub and Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel. I’m excited today to talk about them today. Not to jump the gun, but I liked them both.

In case you’re following along and want to read too, the next book for September is The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman. I’m excited about this one. This book promises to be a good read. I mean, a group of “unorthodox” octogenerians in a retirement home get to solve their first real murder. What could be bad? I love me a good murder mystery—but a book that is also “funny,” “charming”, and “moving” [so say reviewers]? I’m all in.

(Come to think of it, The Thursday Murder Club sounds a bit like television series running right now in its second season, Murders in the Building with Steve Martin, Martin Short and Selena Gomez…It’s also funny and charming—and fun.)

While I don’t intend (ever) to write book reviews for this reading project, I do like to share my thoughts on the books—and invite you to offer your thoughts in the comments below. Ideally i’d do this once a month—but as I said I’m two books behind. So I’ll be brief about each book:

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